Some words about me

I have been working with the human body for more than thirty years and I have chosen a holistic approach (craniosacral osteopathy, integrative osteopathy and other natural techniques) because at any moment it is the person who is at the centre of my attention. I, together with my patient, look for the cause of the disease/dysfunction to get to the root of the problem. I take time to listen and analyse the history of the complaint to create a therapy plan that will encompass all levels of the human being (body, mind and soul). I find it very helpful to be able to choose from different healing methods in order to create an individual treatment plan that is the best choice for this specific person at this point in time.
Curriculum Vitae:
Master of Physical Education (June 1983, cum laude, University of Leuven, Belgium,
Teaching Certificate for Physical Education and Biology (October 1983, cum laude, University of Leuven, Belgium)
Master of Sports Management and Organisation (July 1984, magna cum laude, University of Leuven, Belgium)
Master of Physical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy (June 1993, cum laude, University of Ghent, Belgium
Osteopathy (DO, June 2003, International Academy of Osteopathy, Belgium - (BSc, October 2005, first class honours, British College of Osteopathic Medicine – University of Westminster, London,
Paediatric Osteopathy (December 2006, Osteopathic Centre for Children Vienna, Austria,
Continuing Education:
- How to function more efficiently as a human being (1990 – 1991; Dr. Kris Roose / Academy for Integrative Psychology / Belgium)
- The study of Neuromuscular Function with Manual Therapy for the Orthopedic and Neurologic Patient Emphasizing Strain and Counterstrain (Dezember 1994 - Northeast Seminars, USA)
- Advanced Pathophysiology of the Lumbar Spine and the Pelvic Girdle (Februar 1995 - Prof. M.Rocobado, USA)
- Total Body Exercise for Vertebral Disorders - Upper Quadrant (Februar 1995 - Prof. M. Rocobado, USA)
- Introduction to Evaluation and Treatment of the Craniomandibular and Craniocervical Dysfunctions (Februar 1995 - Prof. Mariano Rocabado, USA)
- Advanced Differential Diagnosis for Maxillofacial Disorders and the Temporo-Mandibular Joints (Juni 1995 - Prof. Mariano Rocabado, USA)
- Cranio Sacral Therapy (November 1995 - The Upledger Institute, USA)
- Myofascial/Osseous Integration (Oktober 1997 - John F. Barnes, P.T., USA)
- Low back pain from an osteopathic point of view (Mai 1998 – Wiener Schule für Osteopathie / Österreich)
- Complementary Training in Osteopathic Medicine (1999 to 2001 - Vienna School of Osteopathy, Österreich)
- First Line Therapy: Improving Health through Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (2003 - Philippe Van Caille, D.O., Schweiz)
- Peter Hess sound massage (2004 - B. Peer / Wien)
- Detection of and protection against radiation (2004 - Ing. Galko / Wien)
- Manipulation of the Peripheral Nerves (September 2005 - Jean-Pierre Barral / Freiburg, Deutschland)
- Dissection Course: the Autonomous Nervous System and the Relationship to the Visceral Structures (September 2005 - Frank Willard / Freiburg, Deutschland)
- A Biodynamic Approach to Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (ab 2006 - James S. Jealous, D.O., UK)
- Developmental psychology and systemic family therapy (2007 – 2008; Reinhold Wildner, Psychotherapeut / Österreich)
- The treatment of children based upon the biodynamics of osteopathy (2007-2010; James S. Jealous, D.O., Schweiz Academy of traditional Osteopathy/Schweiz)
- Tuina for children (Oktober 2009 - Barbara Dürr / Österreich)
- Huna and Quantum physics (Dezember 2011 - Dr. Diethard Stelzl / Österreich)
- Astrological Psychology (2013 - Öhlschläger / Wien)
- Conflict management (januar bis mai, 2013 - Reza Ketabi Pour / Wien)
- Tibetan Astrology (sept. 2015, Tibet Center Institute Hüttenberg)
- Health on a cellular level (April 2017 - Hanneke Nusselein / Linz)
- Yoga and Physiotherapy (January 2019 - Phydelio / Vienna)
- Franklin Methodology and Dance (fall 2019 - Phydelio / Vienna)
- Art-therapy (since 2019 - Erwin Bakowsky, MSc./M.A., Vienna)
- The Feldenkrais Method (March 2022 - Ulli Jaksch @ Phydelio / Vienna)
- Rhythmic Energetic Joint Treatment (April 2022 - Heinrich Luck / Reichersberg, Austria)
- Traditional Chinese Medical Movement Qicong (since January 2022 - Thomas Hudecsek / Schwechat, Austria)
- Tai Chi Quan, Qicong and Mindfulness (May 2023 - Thomas Hudecsek / Sardinia, Italy)